Thursday, February 27, 2014

Crew News

March 8 2014
CSPRI and Lisa George Birthday Party.
This will include new member training.
And  a night hunt.
You will be served lunch
and there will be a bonfire after dark.
Details will be in your inbox soon.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Meet & Great

I know I'm a little out dated here.But I am finally getting up the images from the Seneca Library meet and Great.
We feel that this event could have gone much better, had the library been more cooperative.

February 1 2014 Seneca Library

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Research Area Revisited

A few weeks ago, Marty, Cari and I went out to our research area, and left some goodies. Well it looks like we had some activity. These are the pictures we got late Sunday. I wish I had thought to bring along the video. But this was a last minute decision to go check it.And Cari and I ALWAYS have cameras on us.

All images may be clicked to enlarge.
  These were the original photos when we left the food.

These were taken this past Sunday, February 2 2014

It appears we were left a gift of feathers. WOW! That was pretty awesome to see.
So this time, we left some Granola, and some cookies along with two shiny balls. I'm anxious to see how it goes.

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Rick Dyer Challenges

For those of you (like myself) that have been following this Rick Dyer Drama. I foind  these videos to be pretty intersting.Now the first one may be abit legnthy. But worth the watch. The second one is presented to you from our Very own Cari George. And Paralinaradio.

Taxidermist Russell Knight Interview - Dead Bigfoot

Cari's Thoughts on Rick Dyer- ParalinaTV